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One-on-One Approach

Virtual meetings with our tutors will strengthen subject comprehension, boost your confidence, and give you individualized attention.
If you are facing a specific topic weakness, you will benefit more from the tutoring program.
The program will improve your academic performance, improve time efficiency and customized to your personal needs

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CFP prep Notebook

The best CFP tutoring comes with the best standalone CFP prep. Developed entirely for the latest CFP exam, our AdvisorU CFP prep Notebook provide a comprehensive review of the full scope of CFP exam, with frequent strategy tops and tricks pointed out along the way. Written by the experienced instructors. The Notebook feature a "full picture", crafted to address the questions that most frequently come to students' minds while learning each concept.

Math Homework

Realistic Interface

You really ought to know everything there is to know about the CFP before you take the exam, including test guidelines. That's why we put every effort into creating a testing interface that closely mimics the interface you'll use on test day, complete with highlighting and strikeout features, keyboard shortcuts, color scheme, and more. Accurate practice makes for accurate -- and quick -- answers.
But with CFP prep, good enough is never good enough, and so we continuously update, re-balance, and re-score our exams based on feedback and score data from the thousands of students who take our diagnostic and full-length exams each year, as well as information on the testing interface.


Full Answers & Explanations

Don't wait for your tutoring session to get feedback on your practice. AdvisorU's analytics dissects your performance on each section, broken down by each topic area sub-categories and skill categories. Each question comes with a comprehensive and easy-to-understand explanation, including sample highlighting which you can compare with you own highlighting to see how your performance differs from the most effective approach.

Our passages and explanations, written by professional instructors, provide the most realistic and challenging practice possible for the new content, and the answers and explanations meet the same high standards as those found in the other sections.

Image by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu
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